Thursday, October 29, 2009

Apple airways

Sometime in the future or not at all, the New York Knicks make the NBA finals. So its game 7 me, Robert, Melissa, Giselle, Justina, Kim, Joey, and Michael Chorney are in an airport bar watching the game. So Knicks are winning by I don’t remember lets say 10. We are all yelling and screaming people are staring but we don’t care cause we're cool like that. Any ways another odd thing is that we all eating giant turkey legs. This was one weird airport. So Knicks win everyone is kind of tipsy at this point. So we go on the plane.

We're on the plane. The pilot says, “Hello welcome to Apple airways, this is your captain speaking Gennaro.” So Robert and me look at each other and are like “huh?” So we ask to see the Captain and then were like holy shit its Gennaro (for those of you whole don’t know him he’s a football buddy). So we all go back to are seats. The seating layout is:

Niall/Melissa Kim/Robert Joey/Justina Giselle/Mike

So after we all got to are seats. We begin to take off. So were probably about 2 hours in the air. Some of us are asleep I don’t remember who. But then all of sudden the plain starts to shake. Then Gennaro gets on and says “Hello this is your Captain speaking…” Yes he pauses “…. Were going to crash brace your self.” So we all do Roberts yelling “YOU FAT BITCH!!!”

Then we landed in the water. The Chorney’s find a raft somewhere. We all get in it and some other people too. Gennaro dies because he wanted to go down with his ship (moron).

Wer'e in the raft for about maybe an hour then one of the other people in the raft had a hood on. So were all like “why does he have a hood over his face” I’m like “maybe he’s shy”. So I started to talk with him. He says to me “I’m not ready to go home yet….” I’m like what did you say. Then he removes the hood and… its Kamil. He pulls out a knife and pops the raft. Were all trying to fix the hole while splashing the water out. We're in the water now and we see that an island is not too far away. So we swim to it. Melissa and Robert are missing when we get to the island. Later on we see Melissa pulling Robert from the water. Were all like “YAAAA! WOOHOO!”