The Chronicles of Niall

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Move it somewhere else.

I meant to type about this awhile ago but i just haven't come around to doing so, a Mosque at ground zero.. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! Who are the idiots who approved that. On top of that the people building the Mosque want money from our gov't 100 million!!! This is just stupid and a slap in the face to not just New Yorkers but to the good old US of A.

I read up about it and they want to make it a Muslim Community Center... we got the YMCA so shut up we don't need that shit, who does a Muslim Community Center help out New York at all anyway.

Here's the best part they want to open it on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, now does that not just feel like a kick right in the teeth. YET AGAIN WHO APPROVE THIS!!!

Don't get me wrong I don't hate Muslim people, but that is just not the place for a Mosque. I mean if we can build a Synagogues in Mecca sure you can build your Mosque no problem.

This is the ugly design:

Also look up on google images at the protesters their posters have a lot of valid points.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Team Ream gets Reamed

That right we did, we met Tim Ream on the PATH train on the way home from the Red Bulls game after they won 1-0 against Toranto FC. It was awesome cause he's going to be the future. By the next world cup he's going to be that monster!!! Me and Jimmy didn't want to cock block him from talking to 2 women on his way home but then he put his arm around her and then I noticed the big ROCK on her hand and I was like WHAT!!!!! I was like damn son getting it in young. Me and Jimmy were wondering what to say when he got off (yes we were like little school girls now shut up you Twilight people), we thought we would get off first and have time to think of something. But no he got off first, so Jimmy said "GOOD GAME REAM!" as I give him the Irish Potato lol. He said "Thanks"
So as me and Jimmy though it must be soo cool to be a player (not well known either) and see people/fans with your jersey on. I like to think we made him feel special.

Now heres a picture to prove Tim Ream and Team Ream roll deep:

Tim Ream and his lady friend.

P.S. He's better then Vampires & Werewolves... CAUSES HE'S REAL!!!!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Blue jerseys

The curse of '09 is still in these jersey. New York Red Bulls need to just throw these away!!! I mean this season we had 2 loses and a tie that felt like a loss. So please Red Bull STOP WEARING THEM!!! I know you need to sell them but come on just have a far well event and BURN these jersey leave '09 in the past. Everytime I see these blue jerseys I get sick to my stomach.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

We love John Wolyniec

With Thierry Henry coming to the Red Bulls they had to let someone go, that man is John Wolyniec. Who in my eye (and probably many others) a Metro legend. So many fantastic goals in much dyer need, to the first and only MLS Cup goal. The leader of the team in the amazing U.S. Open Cup run with 4 goes in I think about 6 games. The man that made us proud to be Metro/Red Bull fans last season (2009) even though we were last place of the league and still fought hard John Wolyniec. The team has let you go soooo many times I think 3 to be exact, and now its your 4th. At least this time the team did a very classy thing offer you a coaching job that I'm sure you liked but you were done with soccer yet. So I'm sure all the true Metro/Red Bull fans have a tear in their eye to see you leave.

On that note :insert loud chanting voice:


Thursday, July 15, 2010

How can I handle this..

The worlds worst kept secret is finally out, Thierry Henry is a NYRB. What am I to do being a Irish-American. Do I hate the guy and be a bad fan of the team or do I just suck it up and cheer him on anyway.

Here are some of MY pros and cons not YOUR pros and cons about him coming.

Lets start with the good (Pros):

  • He's on our team, he can handle the ball in our favor.
  • He can provide a lot of support to Angel (Which he was been looking for).
  • The fan base may grow.
  • We have a greater shot at the MLS Cup and the League.
Now the BAAAD things(Cons):

  • We will get A LOT of haters.
  • He might not play that well.
  • We may lose Angle.
  • He complains a lot (back in the Arsenal day idk about recent).

So I don't know what to do, do I forgive and forget? or do I just hate on him like some fans will......

I'll have to give this some thought and get back to you... BEFORE July 22nd.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oh man do I love this.

MLS took a poll the other day and look who won by a landslide. MLS Cup and/or MLS All-Star game in the future...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Me bored on google.

So I was just browsing google and I came to some very odd pics,

I mean really who was the brain child behind these. (I wonder if they have them in Churches still)

This one was just too funny but I think they meant it unlike the next one lol

Now you know you fucked up when you sell piss instead of Maple Syrup, come on guys wake up in Vermont.